Katarina Crnogorac

Katarina Crnogorac
Hometown & Current City: NYC Area
College: William Paterson Univ.
Designer and Teaching and Choreographer for Croatian Folklore group, Hvatski Ruza. Mother is from Milovic on the island of Krk. Father is from Posusje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Katarina Crnogorac is a creator. As a child she could be found updating her Barbie’s furniture collection or sewing new clothing for her dolls. After studying Interior design in college, Katarina worked for Kimberly Hall Creative, where her eye for design and skills in hands on applications excelled. Katarina currently works as a Purchasing/Contract Coordinator for high end textile company, Cowtan & Tout, who sell textiles for home furnishings. Here her primary focus is to work with textile mills around the world to translate these designer fabrics into qualities more suitable for a contract and/or hospitality application. On the side, Katarina is working on her own artistic endeavor, studioNARONA, which is a platform for everything related to and inspired by the Croatian culture.
In the past Katarina has made authentic reproductions of traditional folk jewelry, such as the Samoborski kraluš, Mljetski kolarin, and djerdans found in Bosnia & Herzegovina, to be worn by folk dancers on stage. These traditional pieces have also inspired her to design more modern versions of these patterns to be worn by the everyday woman. She has created several necklaces and bracelets in this style for friends in addition to donating them to several organizations for fundraising.