White papers and special reports were written on many subjects

Operation Storm (1995); Reintegration of Eastern Slavonia to the Republic of Croatia (1996); NATO and Partnership For Peace (2007). In 2011, Cardinal Vinko Puljic of Sarajevo visited Washington, D.C. and the NFCACF provided the advance and handled the agenda for his trip and then wrote a summary “white paper” too detailing options to modernize the Dayton Peace Accord.

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The NFCACF developed a
detailed “Statement on Electoral
Law Changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).”

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The House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFA) accepted our official statement as submitted testimony by the NFCACF President at the time, Steve Rukavina, in a Committee Hearing entitled “Threats to Peace and Stability in the Balkans” in May of that year. In addition, as a result of this initiative, we were able to provide “Questions for the Record” for US State Department
witnesses prior to the HFA Hearing in tandem with our submitted testimony. The NFCACF relationships with the US Congress are long established and highly productive from all the letters, special reports and several submissions being published within the Congressional Record to give the Croatian American community more impact and presence with American elected officials.