Tiffany Senkow Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA Current City: Minneapolis, MN
PhD Candidate in Biomedical Engineering
Family is from Volavje and Domagovic, Croatia
Tiffany is a current PhD Candidate in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Minnesota (Expected graduation: Summer 2019). The goal of her doctoral thesis is to assess the potential of using skin mechanics or vibrosensing (i.e. how well people can feel vibrations) as biomarkers to complement the existing clinical measurements to diagnose or characterize Dupuytrens disease. Dupuytrens disease is a hand deformity where knots of tissue form in the palm and fingers, eventually creating thick cords that cause affected fingers to bend. She was recently awarded a Diversity Travel Grant to present her research at the World Congress of Biomechanics in Dublin, Ireland.
She was the president of “Graduate Women in Biomedical Engineering”, is the only student member of the College of Science and Engineering’s Graduate Education Committee, and volunteers as a science mentor at middle schools. Tiffany is also currently teaching “Introduction to Programming for Biomedical Engineers” at the University of Minnesota.
She earned a Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering with a Chemical Engineering concentration and a minor in Biology from the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State University. Tiffany is a role model for her Millennial peers and for younger generations who may be interested in careers in science, particularly young women.
She is shaping science education of undergraduate students through her teaching roles, and her research has the potential to improve diagnosis of a condition that can significantly impact people’s lives. She has demonstrated strong organizational and leadership skills, and a commitment to meeting goals, and ambitions to continue to achieve at high levels in the future. All those qualities lend themselves well to helping support a successful future for Croatian organizations that will benefit from strong leadership from Millennial generation Croatians and Croatian-Americans.
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As a longstanding partner, NFCACF is kicking off its Special Olympics Fundraiser to support our special Croatian athletes. We are excited to share a generous donor is matching every dollar raised, up to $10,000, for all donations made through November 15th!