Marko Paulic
Marko Paulic
Rocky River, Ohio
Nutrition-Dietetics Professional. Croatian Folk Dance Instructor.
Marko plans on taking the state registration exam in the Summer of 2017 to become a registered dietitian. He has built many professional relationships through his volunteerism and service within the dietetic community.
As secretary for the Student Dietetic Association in 2014-15, he arranged numerous events: “Apple Crunch Day” and “Make A Difference Day” in and around the University of Akron (UA) campus. He is just finishing his college studies and also, volunteers as the student liaison for the Greater Akron Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a professional organization that connects professionals and students in the greater Akron area. He has maintained his full time student status while also collecting internship hours in the Coordinated Program at UA.
In this unique 2-year program, he balances honors (3.5 GPA) along with clinical rotations in hospitals, schools, government programs, skilled nursing facilities, and long-term care facilities. He has collected to date over 400 clinical hours in the accompaniment of a dietitian. He earned a Spanish minor and certificate for the health professionals so he is able to communicate with Cleveland’s strong Hispanic population.