Mara Oblak

Mara Oblak
Current City: Seattle
College: Gonzaga University
Owner of Behavior Analysis Consulting and Therapy
Family is from Drugi Otak and Vivodina, Croatia
Mara graduated from Gonzaga University with a BA in Special Education as well as teaching certifications in general and special education. She went on to receive her MA (2007) and PhD (2010) in Applied Behavior Analysis from Columbia University in New York where she conducted research, trained graduate students and served as a special education preschool teacher. She worked in Louisiana for 2 years to help facilitate a new University graduate program in public school collaboration. Mara has 4 published papers in journals related to research in Behavior Analysis and she frequently presents research at national conferences.
Mara is a Board Certified Analyst (BCBA) and in 2013 opened a company in Seattle that uses Behavior Analysis to teach children with Autism and behavior disorders. She is currently working with professors in New York and Louisiana to disseminate research on methods of effective supervision and organization behavior management. For the past five years, Mara has been the secretary on the Executive Board of the CroatiaFest committee in Seattle.